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Project Jar: Month 4-6

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Month 4: OCTOBER

Unfortunately, there has been a recent setback in the jar. The Rotala plants have perished due to another algal outbreak, and consequently, the snails have also died off. The water became polluted with decaying Rotala residue, which led to the demise of the snails. In an attempt to address the issue, I have opened the jar and changed the water multiple times. Thankfully, the algae growth has ceased, but I currently lack a solution to control the algae once I decide to seal the jar again. It is possible that this particular species of Rotala is unsuitable for survival within a jar, or perhaps I need to further reduce the amount of light it receives. To restart my project, I intend to introduce a new plant soon and begin from scratch, gradually adding more animals as I progress.


In the past month, I made an adjustment to the light schedule in the jar, shifting it from 3:30 PM to 12:00 AM to 7:30 PM to 12:00 AM. This modification appears to have resolved the issue with algal outbreaks. Currently, I am conducting a test to determine if this jar can sustain more compatible fauna. I have added Java Fern foliage to the jar and introduced a Ramshorn snail. Before introducing a shrimp, I will monitor the snail's health to ensure its well-being. If the snail thrives during this period, I plan to add a shrimp to the jar next month.


I am currently encountering new challenges with the new jar setup. The snail is flourishing and has successfully reproduced, as evidenced by the blurry image depicting a baby snail in the bottom right corner. On the other hand, the Java Fern has been unable to produce any new leaves despite a month of waiting. In an attempt to address this issue, I have provided additional lighting. However, if the fern does not show signs of growth soon, I am concerned that the snails will consume all the vegetation. To mitigate this, I am contemplating introducing new plants into the jar. Once the plants are established and thriving, I will proceed with adding the shrimp to the ecosystem.

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