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  • Journey of a Green Caterpillar

    Week One: I found a tiny green caterpillar crawling on one of my cabbage plants, so I decided to raise it and record the results, just like my previous post about the Wooly Bear Caterpillar. This series will continue until the caterpillar turns into a moth or butterfly and flies away. Right now, it's about half-a-centimeter long. I will return next week with more updates. Thanks for reading, goodbye. Week Two: Hello everyone, right now it seems that the caterpillar grew half a centimeter longer and a bit fatter. Otherwise, nothing's changed. I will come back next week with another update. Thanks for reading, goodbye. Week Three: It's still doing fine. I don't know why, but it seems to be a bit smaller than before. Otherwise, I think it'll be ok. See you guys next week. Week Four: Yeah, the caterpillar escaped. Unfortunately, when I moved the caterpillar into a new cup one of the air-holes I poked was too big and it slipped out. Maybe I can find another bug to raise next week, but this will mark the end of this caterpillar's journey. Thanks for reading, goodbye.

  • Project Jar: Months 10-12

    Month 10: April This month, the jar appears to be ecological stable overall. First, the shrimp has continued to thrive, surpassing the two-month mark in its survival. Although the specific factors contributing to this success remain unknown, the shrimp's longevity indicates a positive outcome in this iteration. A recent photo showcases the shrimp perched on the fern, enhancing its appeal. On a less favorable note, it seems that the snail has passed away approximately one and a half weeks ago. The snail exhibited signs of ill health in the previous image, suggesting a potential disease-related cause for its demise. However, it is worth noting that the snail was already an adult of reproductive age upon its acquisition, having been in my possession for over five months. The exact cause of its passing remains unknown, with the possibility of natural aging being a likely factor. Lastly, I have managed to capture an image of a baby snail, indicating successful reproduction within the ecosystem. The remaining inhabitants of the jar continue to thrive, displaying steady growth. Month 11: May Since the last update, little change has occurred within the ecosystem. The shrimp continues to thrive, although it has taken refuge within the moss-ball clump, making it difficult to take a photograph. As a result, no pictures were taken. Moreover, some of the plant leaves have been nibbled down to the veins by the group of baby snails. However, I anticipate that the buds of the plants will eventually regrow and recover. The snails are progressing well in terms of growth and development. Assuming the environment remains stable, I plan to conclude this experiment by the following month. Although the organisms will still be alive, I will discontinue monthly updates. Instead, I will provide yearly updates to track their long-term progress. Another update will be available next month. Month 12: June Fortunately, my shrimp has managed to survive into June, presenting itself nicely in the following image. In addition, the moss ball has been proliferating greatly, accompanied by commendable growth in the baby snail population. Furthermore, the ferns have also been rejuvenating with remarkable vitality. Moving forward, I wish to provide annual updates on this page, documenting their ongoing progress. The following post should arrival by June of 2024.

  • A Guide on the Invasive Argentine Ant (Linepithema humile)

    Diet and Feeding Process: These organisms exhibit remarkable adaptability, consuming a wide range of food sources, including deceased animals (including insects), human and pet food, fruits, nuts, vomit, feces, and even human sputum. Additionally, they engage in mutualistic relationships with aphids and mealybugs, farming them for honeydew, a sugary substance expelled by these insects as a byproduct of their sap-based diet. Their symbiotic association benefits both species, with the ants obtaining sustenance and the aphids receiving protection. This exceptional adaptability contributes greatly to their invasive behavior in foreign countries. During feeding, forager ants use their mandibles to process solid food, transporting it to their nests, or utilizing their proboscis to ingest liquids. They possess secondary stomachs for food storage, allowing them to supply the queen and brood with sustenance, not unlike the majority of other ant species. Native Areas: Indigenous to Northern Argentina, Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and other tropical regions, these organisms demonstrate impressive resilience and invasive tendencies. Although they predominantly inhabit tropical and sub-tropical forests, their global distribution as a pest underscores their ability to thrive in various environments. In these forests, they coexist with other insects, such as Fire Ants and Army Ants, fiercely competing for limited resources. However, such fierce competition throughout their evolution is what attributes to their hardiness and general success when invading other regions. Predators and Defensive Measures: While lizards, birds, and other creatures consume ants, the Argentine Ant seemingly poses no real challenge due to their small size (2-3 mm), glossy appearance, absence of hair, and lack of defensive capabilities. However, their resilience stems mainly from their extensive populations. Unlike most ant species that rely on distinct pheromones to differentiate between individuals from their colony and rival colonies, Argentine Ants exhibit an extreme form of polygamy, forming super-colonies. These super-colonies can accommodate numerous queens, far surpassing the polygamous tendencies of other ant species. Notably, the largest known Argentine Ant super-colony spans over 6,000 km (3,700 mi) in the Mediterranean region, encompassing northern Italy, southern France, and the western coast of Spain, likely housing hundreds of thousands of queens. Life Cycle: During late spring and early summer, winged Argentine Ant alates (kings and queens) embark on mating flights following rainfall. Once the mating process concludes, the male kings perish, and the queens establish their own colonies by burrowing into moist areas near food sources. The queen will nourish her larvae with fat reserves that accumulated during her time in the mother colony. As the eggs develop into larvae, then pupae, and eventually mature into worker ants, they venture out of the nest to forage for food and sustain their malnourished queen. However, newly mated queens can also integrate into established colonies, as prompted by their polygamous nature. Danger and Removal: While Argentine Ants do not pose a direct threat to humans, they inflict substantial damage to agriculture. In the United States alone, the government spends approximately $250 million dollars annually in attempts to control their population. Interestingly, a species called False Honey Ants (Winter Ants) can impede the invasive Argentine Ants by secreting a peculiar liquid from their abdomen. The properties of this substance are still under investigation. When considering anthropogenic solutions, aerosol poisons are not recommended as they can lead to the fragmentation of super-colonies, exacerbating the infestation. Instead, poison lures that entice the ants to carry poisoned food back to their colonies are a preferable approach, gradually eliminating them from within. If all else fails, identify forager trails and apply boiling water directly to their nests, they are typically located near the surface so this method often proves to be an effective solution.

  • Science Fair Experimentation

    This post is an analysis of my science fair topic this year. "The Effect of Carbonated Water on Plant Growth" Procedure In setting up the experiment, I scattered approximately 20-30 Garden Cress (Lepidium Sativum) seeds across an evenly spaced, plastic pot filled with 1.5 inches of sandy loam cacti soil. I repeated this process for each of my three experimental groups (and each group would be repeated 3 times, for a total of 9 pots planted, Figure 1). Plants were grown under a LED growing light [PYLYFE: Amazon Shipping] set on an automatic light/dark timer (12 hrs on, 12 hrs off -> on at 7am and off at 7pm). I repeatedly watered the cress with their designated water every other day and measured average plant growth in cms to calculate the results. The experiment was conducted for 4 weeks. Group 1 took 2 weeks, and Groups 3 and 4 grew together in a separate 2 week period. Materials 1. Measuring cup (Pyrex: Medium Sized Pitcher) 2. pH Testing Strips (Litmus Test Strips 240: LabAider Store & Atlas Science) 3. Soil/Fertilizer (Wonder Soil: Organic Cactus and Succulent Soil - 12 Quart) 4. Seeds (Hemani 100% Pure Garden Cress Seeds - Lepidium sativum) 5. pH altering kit (LabAider Store & Atlas Science: pH Up and Down) 6. Pots for growing (June Fox Square Nursery Pots 3.3 Inches Flexible Plastic Seedling Pots Square Pots for Plants, Succulent, Flower) 7. Growing light (PYLYFE: Indoor Red Blue LED) 8. Ruler (STAPLES) 9. Sparkling Water (Crystal Geyser - Sparkling Spring Water) Question / Problem In this experiment, I am exposing various groups of garden cress to different types of water to test their rates of growth. Therefore, my question is “How does carbonated water affect plant growth?” Hypothesis I believe that the groups of cress exposed to carbonated water will grow more abundantly because an increase in the exposure to carbon dioxide will improve the photosynthetic process, which gives more energy to the plant and increases growth. Purpose I am conducting this experiment because I have a garden out back where I enjoy growing smaller vegetables and tweaking certain factors to get them to grow better. Months ago, I read an article about a group of scientists watering plants with Club Soda from the University of Colorado, so I wondered whether regular carbonated water would do the same thing. Therefore, my only purpose here is to find out whether there were any separate outcomes to this format of experimentation. Research / Background Various experiments were conducted in the past to test the validity of whether carbonation will actually help plants grow. Many studies have shown that plants do have the ability to absorb carbon via root systems, and others have also shown that plants will pertain increased levels of calcium, magnesium, and zinc in their leaves. Quoting a study from the University of Colorado in 2002, “Plants watered with carbonated water grew more than twice as fast and developed healthier shades of green over a 10 day period. That study was performed using Baby Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii). However other studies have found carbonated water did not change the growth rate, or in some cases, stunted growth.” The outliers in this experiment were likely due to the acidity of the water interfering with the nutrient absorption process as the ph of the soil can have great effect on nutrient intake. There’s a distinct possibility in experimentation that soil pH might drop too low (5.5) and will start to toxify aluminium and magnesium in the soil, therefore stunting growth. I hope to contribute to the field of agriculture in this experiment as carbonated water might prove to be a more affordable alternative to fertilizer to improving plant growth. Data Below this sheet you will observe two images of Experimental Batch #1, one image depicts the sprouts of the plants on Day 2, whilst the other depicts them fully grown somewhere during Day 12. Two other charts are also labeled clearly as they present different variables of this experiment. One presents the percentage of growth the plants undergo with different water types, whilst the other presents how the plants reacted to both pHed and carbonated water. This allows me to interpret whether it was the carbonation or the pH that interfered with the plant’s growth. A general list of all results is also posted below. Results Unfortunately, my hypothesis proved incorrect as the plant groups watered with carbonated water grew less in proportion to the tap water group. Proportionally, cress watered with carbonated water grew anywhere from 4-7% less than the average group of cress watered with tap water. However, the pHed tap water group actually grew less than the the group of plants watered with carbonated water, anywhere from 6-8% less until we neared the end of the experiment. These curious results will be elaborated upon in my conclusion. Conclusion In this experiment, I have found that tap water works best in plant growth, but the data is rather inconclusive. Throughout the experiment, I have observed that cress watered with tap water grows better than the groups watered with both pHed and carbonated water by either small or noticeable degrees, as pointed out by the statistics in “Results.” However, I have a theory on why pHed tap water grew less than carbonated water’s plant group. My theory is that the carbonated water and the pHed water both dropped the soil pH low enough for minerals to toxify and decrease growth, as presented in “Research / Background.” This is possible as I had neglected to notice that the natural oil pH of Sandy Loam Cacti Soil, was already relatively low (5-6), which allowed the pH imbalance from the water to toxify and decrease nutrient saturation. Lastly, the beneficial effects of the carbonated water allowed the plant to thrive more than the pHed water groups as it had only brought adverse effects to the plants with absolutely no benefit. Therefore, since the group watered with tap water was subject to no adverse effects placed upon it with a ph change, or perhaps benifited from a pH boost from the natural pH of tap water, it grew more abundantly than all the rest. Next Steps My theory presented in “Conclusion” has the potential to lead another experiment that I could elaborate on as I can test whether it’s the quality of the soil that would reduce the effects of carbonation on plant growth. Images & Charts: *An image of what the experiment looks like. *A graph of their growth in terms of percentage. *A comparison of plant growth when you change the pH factor. *A chart that displays their growth throughout the course of the experiment. *A batch of Cress on their 2nd day of growth. Reference Cites,plants%20watered%20with%20plain%20water.,to%20plants%20given%20tap%20water.

  • Journey of a Wooly Bear Caterpillar

    Week One: I recently discovered a Wooly Bear Caterpillar crawling around inside my garage, and I decided to keep it and observe its growth until it undergoes metamorphosis. Currently, I have been feeding it dandelion leaves, apple slices, and chunks of potato. Since I am uncertain about the species of this caterpillar and its exact care requirements, I am not able to provide comprehensive care instructions. Nevertheless, the caterpillar appears to be eating well and displaying good health from what I can observe. I will provide an update next week as I continue my efforts to identify its species. Week Two: New developments have occurred as the caterpillar went over a shed during the week, indicating its continued state of good health. Additionally, another caterpillar was discovered crawling near my staircase, prompting me to adopt it into the experiment. Despite these advancements, there have been minimal observable changes thus far, but I remain determined in my quest to determine its precise species. Research suggests that the identification process may become more reliable upon the caterpillar's transformation into a moth, offering a potential breakthrough in the future. Week Three: There have been no significant developments to report this week. The larger caterpillar discovered in Week Two appears to be in the process of molting; however, it has not molted yet. As promised, I will provide an update accompanied by a picture of their enclosure. In the image, you will notice remnants of their excrement scattered about and an aged potato in the background. The inclusion of sticks within the tank was intended to provide climbing opportunities, but I have noticed that the caterpillar seems to prefer resting on the ground for the majority of the day. Another noteable observation is their predominantly nocturnal nature, a suspicion that I confirmed through online research. I will return next week with further updates. Week Four: Once again, there are no notable updates regarding the caterpillars this week. Contrary to my previous suspicions, they have not undergone molting. I apologize for any confusion caused by my earlier statement. However, I would like to share an image with you this week, showcasing the caterpillars consuming a dandelion leaf. It is a nice sight to witness their feeding habits. I will continue to monitor their progress and provide another comprehensive update in the following week. Week Five: One of the caterpillars has remained stagnant for the past few days. During this time, it has shown no signs of eating or movement, leading me to believe that it may be undergoing pupation. On the other hand, the other caterpillar has been thriving, actively consuming and growing. I will provide you with an update next week regarding the potential progress of the caterpillar. Week Six: Once again, there has been no discernible change. It appears that the second caterpillar, which had remained motionless, was merely experiencing a cold spell, thus resulting in its inactivity. Furthermore, the first caterpillar has opted to adopt the same curled-up posture observed last week alongside its counterpart, rendering any notable developments unavailable. Moving forward, I will refrain from making presumptions regarding their growth and instead focus on providing updates solely when physical alterations appear. Week Seven: Once again, there has been no change in the caterpillars. However, a few days ago, I stumbled upon another caterpillar outside my home. I decided to bring it into the set-up and include it in my log. I will provide another update next week to track any developments. Week Eight: As anticipated, there has been no noticeable progress in their growth. The accompanying image depicts a caterpillar eating sections of the dandelion leaf, yet there is little else to report. I shall provide another update in the following week. Week Nine: Today, a caterpillar climbed up this stick for no reason. Apart from this occurrence, nothing noteworthy has transpired. I'm thinking of leaving this page alone until something interesting happens so that whenever I update there will be an event to report. That decision is still up to deliberation. I will provide another update in the following week. Week ???: I apologize for the hiatus; I was away on a family vacation for the past three months and I lost track of my regular updates during that time. In a nutshell, the caterpillars spun themselves into cocoons, emerged as moths, and flew away, all under the diligent care of my grandmother. She nurtured them while I was absent with my family, as she had decided to tend to her tomato plants instead of joining us. I will be resuming my regular entries next week, thus concluding this segment on the Wooly Bear Caterpillars. To all my dedicated readers who followed this segment, I extend thanks for your continued support and attention. I will come up with a new update next week.

  • Project Jar: Months 7-9

    Month 7: January There have been few changes since my last update to this entry. The plants are still regrowing at the same pace as they were a month ago. The only noticeable change is the size of the baby snails and the increasing vitality of the moss ball. I attempted to reintroduce a shrimp into the jar once more, but unfortunately, it perished after a few weeks. Regrettably, I didn't manage to capture any photographs as the snails had already devoured its remains before I noticed its demise. I am still unsure of the solution and what I might be doing incorrectly. Month 8: February Once again, there have no changes to the jar since my last update. The water has taken on a greener hue, but apart from that, everything appears to be flourishing. The snails are steadily growing, the plants are propagating, and everything seems to be in good health. The only notable variation is the emergence of stringy algae on the moss ball. As a next step, I plan to introduce a shrimp or another type of invertebrate into the tank to assess its viability within the next month. Month 9: March I recently introduced a ghost shrimp into the jar, and it has been living there for the past two weeks. Thus far, it appears to be in good health, with no noticeable negative effects. Additionally, the stringy algae continues to proliferate around the moss ball, while the java moss continues to thrive vigorously. Apart from these observations, there have been minimal changes in the jar. My hope is that the shrimp will find balance and live for many years to come, if it were to live that long.

  • Project Jar: Month 4-6

    Month 4: OCTOBER Unfortunately, there has been a recent setback in the jar. The Rotala plants have perished due to another algal outbreak, and consequently, the snails have also died off. The water became polluted with decaying Rotala residue, which led to the demise of the snails. In an attempt to address the issue, I have opened the jar and changed the water multiple times. Thankfully, the algae growth has ceased, but I currently lack a solution to control the algae once I decide to seal the jar again. It is possible that this particular species of Rotala is unsuitable for survival within a jar, or perhaps I need to further reduce the amount of light it receives. To restart my project, I intend to introduce a new plant soon and begin from scratch, gradually adding more animals as I progress. Month 5: NOVEMBER In the past month, I made an adjustment to the light schedule in the jar, shifting it from 3:30 PM to 12:00 AM to 7:30 PM to 12:00 AM. This modification appears to have resolved the issue with algal outbreaks. Currently, I am conducting a test to determine if this jar can sustain more compatible fauna. I have added Java Fern foliage to the jar and introduced a Ramshorn snail. Before introducing a shrimp, I will monitor the snail's health to ensure its well-being. If the snail thrives during this period, I plan to add a shrimp to the jar next month. Month 6: DECEMBER I am currently encountering new challenges with the new jar setup. The snail is flourishing and has successfully reproduced, as evidenced by the blurry image depicting a baby snail in the bottom right corner. On the other hand, the Java Fern has been unable to produce any new leaves despite a month of waiting. In an attempt to address this issue, I have provided additional lighting. However, if the fern does not show signs of growth soon, I am concerned that the snails will consume all the vegetation. To mitigate this, I am contemplating introducing new plants into the jar. Once the plants are established and thriving, I will proceed with adding the shrimp to the ecosystem.

  • Project Jar: Months 1-3

    Introduction: The project is reaching its final stage. I have recently created a setup that consists of a mason jar with a peat base where I placed some plastic scaffolding. On this scaffolding, I tied some java moss. In addition to that, I have introduced various components to enhance the ecosystem. These include 2 cherry shrimp, 1 ghost shrimp, sea monkey eggs for their visual appeal, daphnia eggs to control excess algae, pearlweed to create a carpet-like floor, and some algae obtained from my aquarium to initiate algal growth. Interestingly, the moss also brought along some snails from the PetCo store, providing a backup cleanup crew in case of algal blooms. My primary concern now is to ensure the survival of the shrimp and prevent any potential risks that could jeopardize their well-being. Month 1: June The moss tree and pearlweed have shown notable progress in their growth. It seems that adjusting the water level has had a positive impact. Unfortunately, the sea monkeys didn't survive the change, but I hope the daphnia are still thriving and effectively controlling the algae. To address the loss of the cherry shrimp, I introduced another ghost shrimp to the jar. Additionally, in order to combat the excess algae, I added a nerite snail, which should contribute to keeping the algae in check. I hope these adjustments will contribute to a more successful ecosystem in the jar. Month 2: July This experiment has resulted in a spectacular failure. As we reach the end of July, there is an utter absence of life within the jar. The daphnia population has become extinct, and the once-present strange worms and snails have also perished with no trace of their remains. Algae has proliferated extensively, covering every surface of the jar. Although the pearlweed and moss are technically alive, they are barely discernible due to the overwhelming algae growth. The shrimp have decayed to such an extent that their bodies are no longer visible. At this point, I have made the decision to completely clean out the tank as I believe it is beyond salvageable. Alternatively, I may treat the water in an attempt to eliminate the algae. The failure of this experiment could be attributed to various factors: excessive use of plant root tabs leading to an algal bloom, excessive light exposure, or potential issues with the water itself. Moving forward, I will investigate the problem and take steps to repopulate the ecosystem accordingly. Month 3: September The second phase of this experiment has shown significant improvement. I have successfully maintained this jar for approximately three weeks, and everything is progressing smoothly. The jar contains a variety of Rotala plants positioned at the back, alongside a moss string I acquired from Petco. Currently, the sole inhabitant is a snail accompanied by its offspring. Bladder snails, being hermaphroditic, can reproduce without a mate. Although I attempted to introduce shrimp, they unfortunately perish within a few hours of introduction. It is possible that either I acclimated them too quickly or there is an underlying issue with the water quality. However, I have ordered an API Aquarium Test Kit from Amazon, which will enable me to identify the source of the problem.

  • A Guide on the Cellar Spider (Pholcidae)

    Diet and Feeding Process: Cellar spiders have a varied diet that includes small arthropods such as moths, other spiders, beetles, and more. Interestingly, they are known to capture prey much larger than themselves, including crane flies, click beetles, and house flies. These unsuspecting insects often wander into the cellar spider's large, intricate webs found in various nooks of nature or even within your own home. Once caught, the prey is wrapped in silk, injected with venom, and gradually broken down. The spider then consumes the resulting "bug smoothie," storing the nutrients in its abdomen and eventually discarding the carcass. Additionally, cellar spiders possess specialized organs that produce malleable material, which is skillfully pushed out through their spinnerets to create spider silk. This silk serves not only to repair their webs but also for other purposes. Native Areas: Cellar spiders can be found in more than 20 different variations spread across various regions of both the United States and Canada. Predators and Defensive Measures: Despite their small size and delicate appearance, cellar spiders face numerous predators that view them as a potential meal. These include birds, lizards, and geckos, with some predators being highly adapted for capturing them, such as the house centipede. One of the main defensive strategies of cellar spiders is their ability to willingly sever one or more of their legs when caught by a predator. Remarkably, these legs will regrow with each molt, ensuring the spider's continued mobility. However, if the spider is already an adult, it will remain legless until its eventual demise. Life Cycle: The mating process of cellar spiders involves the male depositing a droplet of sperm onto the web near the female's head. The female collects and stores this sperm in a specialized appendage called the pedipalp until it is needed for fertilizing the eggs. Throughout her lifetime, the female will encounter multiple males, storing their sperm. The last male's sperm is most likely to fertilize her eggs. The female then lays a batch of 10 to 27 eggs, which she fertilizes with the stored sperm. She holds the eggs in her jaws until they hatch, usually after 2 to 3 weeks. After hatching, the spiderlings remain in the mother's web for several days or even weeks before venturing out on their own. During this vulnerable phase, they search for a suitable location to create their own webs and continue their life cycle. Along the way, they will molt five times before reaching maturity. Unfortunately, the majority of spiderlings will fall prey to predators before reaching adulthood. Danger and Removal: Cellar spiders pose no significant danger and are generally docile and timid. Even if they were to bite, their short mandibles and relatively harmless venom make them virtually harmless to humans. To remove them from your home, a simple method involves using a disposable cup to gently scoop them up, ignoring the web, and then releasing them outside. Alternatively, you can clean up their cobwebs using a stick or feather-duster and then safely remove the spider. Finally, it is important to debunk the urban myth that these spiders are deadly, as they pose no such threat.

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