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  • daniel2008923

Project Jar: Months 7-9

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Month 7: January

There have been few changes since my last update to this entry. The plants are still regrowing at the same pace as they were a month ago. The only noticeable change is the size of the baby snails and the increasing vitality of the moss ball. I attempted to reintroduce a shrimp into the jar once more, but unfortunately, it perished after a few weeks. Regrettably, I didn't manage to capture any photographs as the snails had already devoured its remains before I noticed its demise. I am still unsure of the solution and what I might be doing incorrectly.

Month 8: February

Once again, there have no changes to the jar since my last update. The water has taken on a greener hue, but apart from that, everything appears to be flourishing. The snails are steadily growing, the plants are propagating, and everything seems to be in good health. The only notable variation is the emergence of stringy algae on the moss ball. As a next step, I plan to introduce a shrimp or another type of invertebrate into the tank to assess its viability within the next month.

Month 9: March

I recently introduced a ghost shrimp into the jar, and it has been living there for the past two weeks. Thus far, it appears to be in good health, with no noticeable negative effects. Additionally, the stringy algae continues to proliferate around the moss ball, while the java moss continues to thrive vigorously. Apart from these observations, there have been minimal changes in the jar. My hope is that the shrimp will find balance and live for many years to come, if it were to live that long.

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